Educational camp of the first project “Healthy and Smart Youth” (LT03-1-SAM-K01-010)

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021

The project of the European Economic Area financing mechanism “Healthy and Smart Youth”(LT03-1-SAM-K01-010) has been implemented since the second quarter of 2021. The project is aimed at reducing and preventing health inequalities of youth in Kaišiadorys, Rokiškis and Panevėžys districs. The project will implement 8 JPSPP delivery algorithms to enable mechanisms for the provision of services to young people in the fields of mental health, nutrition, reproductive health and prevention of external causes of death , and ensure the appropriate, high-quality and timely provision of these services to youth. At least 1,800 young people will be involved in the project.

From 20 to 22 of August 2021, a joint event of the partners took place – the first educational camp attended by youth (aged from 14 to 29) from Kaišiadorys, Rokiškis and Panevėžys districts.

The first three-day camp took place at the seaside, in the health centre “Energetikas”. Young people from all participating municipalities (12 from each municipality) were invited to attend. During all these days various health promotion activities related to 8 algorithms of the project were organized for a large number of young and curious people.

An energetic Nordic walking lesson was taught by coach Karolis Klovas. In the theoretical part the coach introduced the importance of physical activity for body development and mental health. In the practical part the campers tried marching with Nordic walking sticks and various games after doing muscle warm-up exercises. After taking a rest after physical activity the campers gathered for Marius Ševeliovas‘ lecture “Psychological and Emotional Management: How to Avoid It”. It is gratifying that young people actively involved in this activity were also interviewed individually. The first day of the camp ended with a mindfight game “”Protmūšis“ led by public health specialist Ieva Klavinskaitė. The activity touched on subjects such as prevention of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy, prevention of psychoactive substances and alcohol use, and prevention of eating and health disorders related to overweight and obesity.

The second day of the camp was the busiest. The participants were introduced to lecturer and psychologist Jelena Bachlina‘s seminar – creating and strengthening a connection with your inner self, art therapy. Everyone could feel the benefits of physical activity while alltogether riding by bicycle to Palanga and back along the coast. After return another workout was prepared for them. This time in the pool. A little bit tired but happy with sincere smiles on their faces, the participants gathered to stay together. They played various games, sang a camp song, danced a joint dance. Despite of being form different Lithuanian cities, towns and villages, all campers were wearing the same attributes of the project “Healthy and Smart Youth”: T-shirts, hats, jumpers. It is gratifying that each of the participants was able to get to know not only themselves but also those around them and also to gain knowledge, experience and discover new acquaintances.

The third was the last day of the camp which aslo started actively with morning exercise conducted by the youth coordinator of Kaišiadorys district municipality Krolis Klovas.The last activity of the camp was Danutė Kunčienė‘s theorethical and practical lecture “I Eat Healthy – I Live well”. The campers gained both knowledge and practice. As it is appropriate for Samogitians, Danutė took leave of guests generously with various homemade healthy snacks. According to the camp participants, these three days passed too quickly.