Implementation process

Activities of the project “Healthy and Smart Youth”:

  1. Project publicity (JPSPP publicity events in partner district municipalities. 3 publicity events are planned in each partner municipality. 1 information event at the beginning of the project, 1 halfway through the project and 1 summary at the end of the project. Organizers – VSB and Coordination Centers of each municipality. Responsible VSB managers The events will spread the word about the activities of the JPSSP Coordination Center, present the project, its activities, planned and achieved results. created and maintained a special website)
  1. Project administration (project administration at the municipal activity level will be performed by the managers of the VSB implementing the project. Project implementation and supervision implementation services are procured for general project administration. Advises the client on project implementation prepares payment requests, coordinates and discusses project administration issues with the responsible persons of the applicant and partners within the deadlines set in the payment request schedule. Procurement of public procurement and legal consulting services prepares appropriate project procurement documentation in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Procurement as, adjusts, prepares and provides answers to procurement participants, provides consultations on other issues of project procurement, provides consultations on project procurement plan preparation and organization of all project procurements, represents the client and defends his interests in concluding and controlling the execution of contracts, provides consultations on project work conclusion, performance, amendment, termination of contracts, their annexes)
  1. Development of the JPSPP Coordination Center in Rokiškis district and establishment in Kaišiadorys and Panevėžys districts (other technical specifications of the equipment and tools, procurement conditions, then public procurement is carried out, after the winners are determined, public procurement contracts are concluded. JPSPP coordinators: The main functions of the JPSPP coordinator are: coordination of MCC activities, coordination of JPSPP, ie provision of health promotion, prevention, treatment, counseling and monitoring in the municipality. initiating and organizing trusts with experts and service providers and other stakeholders to address relevant youth health issues; Municipal level Portal administration; Algorithm adaptation and maintenance. Know and be able to use algorithms, check that the information provided in the Portal and algorithm descriptions is not outdated and no longer relevant, if necessary, adjust the algorithm descriptions in coordination with the relevant persons involved in the implementation of the Model; Provision of a case management service (to assess the young person’s health needs, to conduct a motivational interview, if necessary, to mediate the young person’s application to personal health care or other sector institutions, to keep in constant contact with him / her until the problem is solved). Organizing and / or conducting case management, inter-institutional cooperation and other training for JPSPP providers; Carrying out an analysis of the situation of youth health and JPSPP provision. To prepare reports on the activities of the Model implementation, to help public health monitoring specialists to analyze the problems of youth health and service provision (it is recommended to provide as an appendix to the municipal public health monitoring report), to submit proposals on youth health problems)
  2.  Implementation of JPSPP methodological and preventive equipment in VSB Youth spaces in Kaišiadorys district (methodological tools and trainers are designed for youth health education, prevention of harmful habits and other activities. The JPSPP Coordinator and the staff of the VSB will be responsible for the implementation of these activities)
  1. JPSPP educational and preventive events for target groups (seminars, events, trainings in municipalities to educate young people, raise the qualification and competence of professionals providing services to young people, and improve cooperation between professionals from different sectors in solving various youth health problems. participating municipalities).


Project monitoring indicators (expected results):

1800 people who received services (recipient of services – a person aged 14-29 who was provided with JPSPP services and / or a person aged 14-29 who participated in the activities of the JPSPP coordination center (1800 people). Calculation method – aggregation of project services persons aged 14-29 who received and / or participated in the implemented events / activities, determined according to the event / activity attendance records.)

4.5 level of satisfaction with the provided services (services will be provided by qualified specialists trained in JPSPP according to 8 problem areas algorithms adapted to the conditions of the municipality. )

3 JPSPP coordinators trained in case management (case management will be trained in Kaišiadorys district, Rokiškis district and Panevėžys district JPSPP coordinators)

3 municipalities implementing the renewed model of youth-friendly health care services in 2014–2021. period (Kaišiadorys district, Rokiškis district and Panevėžys district municipalities participate in the project)

Impact of project results:

Following the implementation of the project, the municipalities will ensure the operation of the JPSPP coordination center and the provision of 1 psychologist (at least 0.5 full-time) services to young people, and the JPSPP coordination and case management function will be further developed. Inter-institutional cooperation with partners will be continued and the network of JPSPP providing institutions will be expanded in order to improve the services needed by young people. At the end of the project, the coordinator will continue to administer the municipal youth health web portal (prepare information, publish articles, make adaptations).

The continuity of the project will be ensured by the high demand for JPSPP services and their improved quality JPSPP services will always be in demand as they meet the exceptional health care needs of young people.

The result of the project for the Lithuanian economy: one of the necessary conditions for the Lithuanian economy to become progressive, sustainable, inclusive and to promote economic growth – good health of the population. The implementation of the project will significantly contribute to the achievement of one of the national strategic goals of health care – to take care of preserving and improving the health of young people. The JPSPP model introduced and developed in the three municipalities during the project will not only help to solve youth health problems faster and more efficiently, but also to assess what services are lacking in municipalities, whether the provided services are easily accessible to young people, i. The developed, adapted and developed algorithms for solving youth health problems can be used as tools to help shape the youth health strategy and at the same time help to reduce health inequalities between Lithuanian districts (and regions). Development and establishment of JPSPP coordination centers, acquisition of necessary equipment for the provision of services, development of inter-institutional cooperation, etc. 8 JPSPP delivery algorithms will detail the sequence of services provided to young people in the fields of mental health, nutrition, reproductive health and prevention of external causes of death, and will ensure the appropriate, high-quality and timely provision of these services to young people. The implemented JPSPP model will allow to comprehensively address health problems relevant to young people, develop healthy lifestyle attitudes, reduce the impact of environmental and social factors on human health, which will save economic resources in the project area (reduce costs of treatment, medicines and health services) economic power of the people) and creating a sustainable social environment (reduction of alcohol and smoking, drug use among young people, corresponding reduction of crime, increased sense of security in communities, etc.).

The development and implementation of the JPSPP Model in the municipality will contribute to the solution of youth health problems and the improvement of the quality of health care services. In this way, the health, healthy lifestyle skills, physical and mental, reproductive / sexual health of one of the most vulnerable sections of society – young people – will improve. The implementation of the model during the project and the merging of existing health care providers into one network through the algorithms of solving health problems relevant to young people and improving their cooperation will make it possible to provide more efficient health care services to young people, thus ensuring unequal reduction of youth health. 

The project will achieve the following objectives: 

  • Young people (14-29 years old) will be provided with favorable, confidential services that help to strengthen their physical and mental health, develop healthy lifestyles, reduce the incidence of young people and create a system that effectively addresses the concerns of young people; 
  • During the project, many young people will be encouraged to choose a healthier lifestyle;
  • A green corridor will be implemented in the project municipalities, as a result of possibility for a young person to receive efficient and confidential personal health services in the shortest possible time;
  • Services for young people in municipalities will become comprehensive and inclusive. The complexity of services will be ensured by an optimized network of institutions providing services to young people. Also, the complexity of services will be ensured by improved competencies of specialists (social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, public health specialists, special education teachers) and youth health coordinators. The mentioned measures will help to implement the general goal of the program and achieve a high level of youth health prevention in the project municipalities and reduce health inequalities in Lithuania;
  • The project promoter, including partners, will retain ownership of the equipment and use the equipment for the purposes of the project, ensure adequate equipment insurance against losses such as fire, theft and other normally insured events, both throughout the project and for 5 years after the end of the project.