Training of the “Healthy and smart youth” for youth in Panevezys

In October training of the project “Healthy and Smart Youth” took place in Panevezys. The training for health disorders related to overweight and obesity intended for youth was led by lecturer Artiomas Sabajevas.

On October 17 and 18, the training took place at Ramygala Gymnasium, at Darius ir Gireno str. 32, Ramygala, Panevezys district. Each days the training lasted for two hours, three classes participated in them – 8a, 9a and 10a.

On October 20-21, the training took place at the Velzis Gymnasium, at Zemdirbiu str. 15, Velzio village, Panevezys district. Each day the training lasted for two hours, three classes participated in them.

The students remained interested and motivated, most of them actively participated in the discussion, listened attentively, and completed the tasks.