Prevention and educational seminars for children of Kaisiadorys, Rokiskis and Panevezys districts

January-April, 2022, preventive and educational seminars were organized for children in Kaisiadorys, Rokiskis and Panevezys districts on the topics: “Prevention of Sexual Violence”, “Prevention of Sexual Transmitted Diseases and Pregnancy”, “Prevention of Psychoactive Substances and Alcohol” and “Prevention of Depression, Suicide and Self-Harm”.

During the training the children was told about sexuality, respect, the ability to make connections, the ability to say yes and no. It was discussed how to recognize and prevent sexual violence, understand what is appropriate/inappropriate touch, and how to build a healthy and equal relationship.

The safety of your body, how to take care of yourself, protect against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases were also discussed.

The causes and consequences of the use of psychoactive substances, the entire course of addiction, and the possibilities of help were reviewed during the seminars. Ways to strengthen a person’s confidence, include meaningful activities to the life plan, strengthen or seek hobbies by resisting the use of psychoactive substances and inappropriate fellowships were sought.

The reasons why people choose self-harm as a way out of a difficult situation were reviewed. During the training, appropriate ways to calm down, control oneself, and divert thoughts from inner pain, tension and anxiety were discussed. The need to react to the signs of concern and seek help were also discussed.

Throughout the training, pupils were encouraged to discuss, they asked important questions of concern to them.