Activities for youth at the youth center Mazgas

In January, young people gathered at the Youth Center Mazgas to discuss the questions of Mindfight. Being together made it possible to choose a way of communication without psychoactive substances, to learn more about their harm and the consequences of their use. In January, the youth center also held an art therapy session called “Know Your Emotions”. The event is dedicated to the prevention of depression, suicide and self-harm. Young people used watercolor casting and monotype techniques. This method allowed…

Seminars for JPSPP cooperating institutions

In the municipalities of Kaisiadorys, Rokiskis and Panevėzys districts seminars are held in order to involve the institutions of different sectors working with youth in the municipality in the solution of youth problems (related to 8 algorithms). Seminars are held on the following topics: strengthening the mental health of youth, prevention of mental disorders, including addiction diseases; youth safety and injury prevention; young people’s attitude towards prevention of addictions and ongoing preventive activities; the importance of information in the prevention…

Practical seminars for JPSPP institutions working with youth

In the municipalities of Kaisiadorys, Rokiskis and Panevezys districts practical seminars are held in order to familiarize the coordinators employed in the project and the representatives of the collaborating institutions with the problem area (related to 8 Algorithms) and to develop problem-solving skills, to strengthen inter-institutional cooperation. Seminars are held on the following topics: the most relevant youth health problems; case management and interdepartmental cooperation, contact technique, active listening, counseling and communication with youth, motivation for change; prevention and promotion…